Volume 8, Issue 1, January 2016




Design Methodology of Microcontroller Based Load Balancing and Synchronization

Pages: 1-6 (6) | [Full Text] PDF (913 KB)
A wadood, H Ali, MA kazmi
Electrical Engineering Department, Peshawar College of Engineering Peshawar, Pakistan
Electrical Engineering Department, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Abbottabad, Pakistan

Abstract -
Distributed power generation is one of the key research areas around the globe. Technically a lot of effort is required to make two independent distribute sources capable of driving common load in the same system. This paper presents a novel technique for inculcating two power sources in a system which drives the common load. Areal time switching methodology is proposed which makes the decision based upon the load statistics and then triggers the supporting source. Technique employs the inverters which converts the DC inputs from two distributed sources to AC output of same rating. Real time monitoring is conducted using microcontroller, which takes the feedback from current transformer (CT) and switches the supporting source when load exceeds the specified threshold range. Under such circumstances synchronized output from both the sources is used to drive the common load. However, under normal condition, it is also possible to store the extra power and can be used later on when needed. Simulation models of AC to DC converter, Inverter and switching circuitry are presented in this paper. The obtained result clearly demonstrates the effectiveness of proposed methodology.
Index Terms - CT, Inverter, Synchronization, Load Balancing, Microcontroller

Citation - A wadood, H Ali, MA kazmi. "Design Methodology of Microcontroller Based Load Balancing and Synchronization ." International Journal of Computer Engineering and Information Technology 8, no. 1 (2016): 1-6.


Modeling and Simulation of an Industrial Steam Boiler

Pages: 7-10 (4) | [Full Text] PDF (512 KB)
EEU Haq, ETU Rahman, EA Ahad, EF Ali, EM Ijaz
University of Peshawar Electrical Department, Paksitan
Nice Education System Electrical Department, Peshawar, Pakistan

Abstract -
A steam boiler is a complex system consist of numerous components. The pressure variation phenomena inside a furnace of a steam boiler affect the steam boilers efficiency and safety. In this paper a simple mathematical model describing the thermodynamic processes, which take place inside the furnace, is presented. The simulation model is applied to a boiler furnace. Each component of boiler has been modeled individually in such a way that when they are fitted together, the complete boiler can be simulated. A real industrial boiler has been taken as a reference to build the model.
Index Terms - Boiler, Steam Boiler, Boiler Efficiency, Industrial Boiler

Citation - EEU Haq, ETU Rahman, EA Ahad, EF Ali, EM Ijaz. "Modeling and Simulation of an Industrial Steam Boiler ." International Journal of Computer Engineering and Information Technology 8, no. 1 (2016): 7-10.


Experiences on the Loose: The Shaping and Reshaping of Experiences in Social Media

Pages: 11-17 (6) | [Full Text] PDF (248 KB)
V Rolandsson, A Nyberg
Department of Informatics, Umea University, Umea, Sweden

Abstract -
The use of social media has exploded during the later part of the last decade, and today we share a lot of our experiences online or become parts of experiences shared by others. In this paper, we explore how experiences are shaped and reshaped in social media. Through an explorative study, we see indications of what happens with experiences over time and that this has consequences for offline contexts. Inspired by the Springboard Metaphor, four analytical concepts are proposed, namely temporality, density, scope, and control. The concepts contribute in facilitating a more nuanced discussion in terms of experiences in relation to social media.
Index Terms - Experience, Social Media, Facebook, Analytical Concepts of Experiences

Citation - V Rolandsson, A Nyberg. "Experiences on the Loose: The Shaping and Reshaping of Experiences in Social Media." International Journal of Computer Engineering and Information Technology 8, no. 1 (2016): 11-17.